Date(s) - 02/08/2025 - 12/31/2025 - 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
We are excited to continue offering our Women of Mystery Book Club! Join our former director, Christine Jackson, as she leads a group discussion focusing on a different female mystery author each month.
The mystery club sessions are hybrid; you may attend in person at the library, or on Zoom.
Please call the library at 610-664-2878 or email the director at to receive the zoom meeting invite.
All meetings are at 1pm, usually on the second Saturday of the month.
Here is the schedule for 2025
Saturday, January 18………..Louise Penny (rescheduled from Jan. 11)
Saturday, February 8………..Dorothy Sayers
Saturday, March 8……………Carolyn Hart
Saturday, April 12…………….PD James
Saturday, May 10……………..Elizabeth George
Saturday, June 14……………..Ngaio Marsh
Saturday, July 12………………Josephine Tey
Saturday, August 9……………Linda Castillo
Saturday, September 13…….Margaret Truman
Saturday, October 11…………Ellery Adams
Saturday, November 8………Lorna Barret
Saturday, December 13……..Lauren Elliot
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