Welcome to the Narberth Community Library!
An independent library nestled in the Borough of Narberth, we are supported by the Borough, your donations, community organizations, and local businesses. We are a part of MCLINC – the Montgomery County Library and Information Network Consortium. The Narberth Community Library is a not-for-profit institution, classified as tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Narberth Community Library is to enhance the quality of life in Narberth by providing services and programs for leisure and educational reading, access to electronic services, exchange of ideas, cultural enrichment and promotion of civic values in a warm and welcoming environment.
What do we offer?
We are here to provide our community with pleasure reading, audiobooks, videos, reference materials, new computers, a color printer, and a wide range of information services. Other services include; passes to local museums, cultural organizations, children’s programs and speaker and author presentations. We provide our citizens with a website with links to numerous educational, governmental and entertainment services.
Founded in 1921, renovated in 2006, and again in 2021, some of our original books are still included in our more than 29,400 items! While we originally saw ourselves as a resource for children, our current offerings are wide and span all age groups.
Come check us out!
Library Catalog
Easy online access anytime day or night! Log onto the Library’s website any time to search for your favorite books, videos, audiobooks, and periodicals.
Check out our huge collection of bestsellers, fiction, mysteries, science fiction, biographies, nonfiction titles, paperbacks, periodicals, audiobooks (cd and Playaway format), videos (Blu-ray & DVDs), museum passes, energy usage meters, graphic novels and manga for adults, teens & kids. We offer access to an extensive selection of online digital materials (books, audiobooks and magazines) through the Montgomery County Library District digital collection. Use the Libby app on your digital device, or in your web browser to access these digital materials.
Requesting and Reserving Library Materials
Don’t see what you want here at Narberth? Place an item request online or through one of our librarians and we’ll have the item sent to us for easy pick-up! You may request items from within MCLINC via our normal daily book delivery system, or from elsewhere in PA via interlibrary loan. Request books, audiobooks, and videos online via the “My Account” button on the far right of the menu bar on the library homepage.
Library Cards
We issue Narberth Library cards to residents of Narberth Borough. We ask that you fill out a library card application and present a photo ID with your current address (or a piece of first-class mail/lease agreement, etc). Patrons under age 18 may obtain a library card by having their parent/guardian sign the registration form.
Montgomery County residents not living in the borough may obtain their library card from their home library or may receive a MCLINC temporary card.
All patrons living in Montgomery County are eligible to circulate materials from the Narberth Library. Residents of Philadelphia, Delaware, and Chester Counties may have their home library cards added to our system by filling out our registration form.
Library registrations are valid for three years. We will check every year to make sure that your address and other contact information are current.
We currently charge $2.00 for replacement library cards.
Loan Periods
Print and audio books, Blu-ray and DVDs, have a three-week loan period. Magazines and new-release DVDs have a one-week loan period.
Adult books, audiobooks and magazines – $.25 per day to a maximum of $10.00
Juvenile books, audiobooks and magazines – $.15 per day to a maximum of $5.00
DVDs/Blu-Ray – $1.00 a day to a maximum of $10.00
Museum passes – $10.00 per day to a maximum of $85.00
Digital Devices (Children’s Launchpads) – $3.00 per day to a maximum of $10.00
Internet Access
Internet access is available at the library. You must follow the Internet Usage Policy. We do not require patrons to sign into the public computers with a library barcode. There is a time limit of 30 minutes on public computers if another patron is waiting. The Library also has wireless access for your laptop computer 24 hours a day.
Patron Accounts
You may access your library account from your home computer using the barcode numbers found on your library card and a password (set up on a visit to the Library or through the web catalog). You may check the items you have with their due dates, renew those items, and reserve materials you would like to read, view or listen to. You may also request to have email notification of reserve materials.
Outstanding Staff
Not sure what you’re looking for? Our highly trained librarians and staff have a wide range of backgrounds. Ask them for suggestions or ideas on what to read or watch!
The POWER Library Program (Pennsylvania Online World of Resources) is available online either from within the Library or from your home computer. This resource provides online reference materials, periodicals and a photo library.
In addition to POWER Library, we offer online classes through Universal Class and Mango languages as well as, World Book Online and downloadable audio and eBooks through OverDrive.
- Brad Ver Ploeg (Director)
- Betty Kennedy (Head Circulation Assistant)
- Mackenzie Cooke (Children’s Services and Circulation)
- Trinia King-Jones (Youth Services and Circulation)
- Susan Stoutzenberger (Circulation Assistant)
- Loretta Deierlein (Circulation Assistant)
- Linda Waddell (President)
- Marla Sussman (Vice President)
- Regina Watson (Treasurer)
- Ellen Trachtenberg (Secretary)
- Barbara Chotiner
- Heidi Guy
- Kevin Halleran
- Nancy Lotz
- Dianne Moore
- Richard Rinaldi
- William Severson
- Harold Shalon (Board Member Emeritus)
- Kenneth LeDonne (Board Member Emeritus)